Campaign 101 Part 3: Other Campaigns
This is the third part of a six-part series written by Dave Dellenbaugh. It is the backbone of what we do here at Clever Pig. You might want to start at the beginning with Part 1: Getting Started. If you just can’t wait for all six parts, you may download the entire series as a PDF.
Resource Materials from Other Campaigns

When you’re starting a campaign, one of the smartest moves you can make is to learn from the successes of sailors who have organized campaigns before you. This includes every phase of the process, from sailing your boat fast to training regimens to fundraising.
In this web resource we have collected sample campaign materials from recent campaigners who have been successful in both the sailing and marketing areas. The resources here include fundraising letters, brochures, budgets, thank-you notes, resumes, blog entries – many of the pieces that you need to raise money and carry on an effective relationship with your supporters.
You are welcome to use any of these materials as you like (but please remove any personal or campaign details). Their purpose is to help you avoid “reinventing the wheel.” That way you’ll be able to use the time, energy and money you save to strengthen other areas of your campaign.
View our master list of resource materials
Olympic Campaign Websites
Here are websites for many of the current and former US Olympic and Paralympic campaigns. Study these to see what elements you like (and don’t like) for your own campaign.
Fred Strammer/Zack Brown • www.ourroadtorio.com
Stu McNay/Dave Hughes (470 M) • www.mcnayracing.com
Farrah Hall (RSX) • www.farrahhall.com
Team Tunnicliffe (49er FX) • www.teamtunnicliffe.com
Caleb Paine (Finn) • www.medalinrio.com
Charlie Buckingham (Laser) • charliebuckingham.com
TeamGoSail (Clark/Chin) (470) • www.teamgosail.org
McNay/Biehl (470) • www.teammb.org
Zack Railey (Finn) • www.zach2012.com
Ben Barger (RSX) • www.benbarger.com
Erik Storck/Trevor Moore (49er) • www.storckmooresailing.com
Rob Crane (Laser) • robcraneracing.com/Blog/Blog.html
Clay Johnson (Laser) • www.claysails.com
Andrew Campbell (Star) • campbellnichol2012.blogspot.com
Doerr/Kendell/Freund (Sonar) • www.teamusa674.com
Peet Must/Carl Horrocks (49er) • www.barnegatbay49er.com
Nancy Rios (RSX) • www.nancyrioswindsurfing.blogspot.com
Maureen McKinnon-Tucker (Skud) • www.sailchallengeinspire.org